Tuesday, 15 May 2012

General approach to answering comparative questions.

General approach to answering questions
  • Identify clearly your three texts. You may not use any of these texts for your answer on the in-depth (single text) question.
  • Spend time working on the question. Make sure you understand every aspect of what is being asked before you start your answer.
  • Begin by working on a rough draft. Write down several points from each text related to the question. Try to back up some of these points with a quote or key moment from that particular text.
  • Write out your answer in rough draft format.
  • All the material from your texts must be tied in to your answer in a fluid and natural way. Do not divide your answer into sub headings with the title of the texts at the top. The main thing is to link or weave the texts naturally, and show how they relate to the question asked, jotting down all points of comparison or contrast between the texts.
  • Organise your points into paragraphs, and make sure that you have used quotation/reference from the texts as much as possible.
  • Put priority and order on your points and make sure that each point refers in some way to the question asked.
  • Start writing the answer and stop at the end of each paragraph to examine what relevance it has to the question asked.
Always to give yourself time to conclude a comparative answer. Go back to the actual question and make a statement on the question and the relation to all texts. This statement may simply draw a contrast or form a judgment about the different texts.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Writing an Advertisement.

Writing an Advertisement.

Ø      Underline exactly what you are being asked to do.
Ø      Pay close attention to the marking scheme and plan your answer length accordingly.
Ø      Decide on what exactly the product is that you are describing.
Ø      Where is the advert to appear? Through which medium, e.g. television, radio, internet, etc. Is it to feature in a magazine, newspaper? Which type? Where the advertisement is to appear will help you to decide who your target audience is.
Ø      Brainstorm and plan your answer.
Ø      Create a company name, slogan and if necessary a logo.
Ø      Use buzz words to highlight the positives of your product.
Ø      Compare your product in a favourable light to other similar products if applicable.
Ø      Use descriptive language that appeals to the customers five senses.
Ø      Repeat the main message of your advertisement for emphasis.
Ø      Quote prices and where the product can be bought where applicable.
Ø      Suggest to the consumer that their lives, lifestyles, confidence and personal images will be much improved if they buy the product.
Ø      Quote famous people or use celebrity endorsements.
Ø      If you are describing a print advert, refer to what visual, text, caption, and typography you will use.
Ø      If you are describing a television advertisement explain and music, voice-overs or special effects you will employ.
Ø      If it is a radio advertisement, will there be sound effects, voice-overs, music?
Ø      Read over your work when finished and correct any mistakes you may have made.