Leaving Certificate. Ordinary Level. 2013
Always keep the marking scheme in mind when answering all questions; (Purpose, Coherence, Language, Mechanics).
Always underline exactly what you are being asked in every question.
Paper 1.
Question A, Comprehension.
- Identify skills of a character.
- How effectively does an image portray a personality?
- Is an image effective in portraying the theme of a text?
- Impression of a character.
- Words/phrases that capture an atmosphere. Convey tension/suspense/excitement.
- An image that captures an atmosphere.
- Like/not like to live in a setting described.
- Image expresses central idea of a text.
- Alternative title for a short story.
- Add another image of your choice based on theme of text.
- Visual helps support a writer’s view.
- An opinion question based on the text.
- Do you agree with the expressed view?
- Writer a good story teller?
- Clear and detailed description of an image.
- Comment on an image’s effectiveness.
- Image you found interesting, positive, negative.
- Personal response to an image.
Question B.
- Diary/blog entries.
- Informal letter/ formal letter. Letter of application.
- Talk.
- Newspaper article.
- Report.
- Review.
- Advertisement.
- Commentary on an event.
- Interview.
- Webpage.
- Advertisement.
Section 2; Essay.
- Magazine article.
- Dialogue.
- Personal account.
- Short-story.
- Talk.
- Speech/ debate.
- Account of something you witnessed.
- Newspaper article.
- Report.
- Narrative.
- Dialogue.
- Informative piece.
- Article for travel brochure.
- Exchange of letters between two people.
- Narrative based on image from text 3.
- An Experience.
- Diary entries.
- Personal essay.
- Descriptive; Place/person/event.
- Discursive Essay.
- Humorous/Serious Article.
Paper 2.
Section 1.
Single Text.
- Relationship between characters.
- Character description.
- An event.
- Gripping moment.
- Compose a talk about the text.
- Character you would play.
- Ending surprise you?
- Amusing scene.
- Favourite scene.
- Life lesson.
- Dramatic memorable scene.
- Live at time of text’s setting?
- Diary entry from character’s point of view.
- Pleasant or disturbing event.
- Turn a novel into a film.
- Amusing episode.
- Character you would like to be.
- Letter from character’s perspective.
- How you would stage play.
- Favourite character.
- Speech on text.
- View of life from text.
- Important issue.
- Conversation between characters.
- Interview author or character.
- Why is Shakespeare still popular today?
- Play the character?
- Opinion of Character
- Make a change?
- Talk on the text.
- Writer’s attitude.
- Happiest/saddest moment.
- Good story teller?
- “It is a story about…”
- Lesson about life?
- Personal response to setting.
- Why you did/did not enjoy text.
- Happy/sad moment.
- Main theme, issue raised by text.
- Interesting/exciting moment.
- Article about the text.
- Is the novel/play too violent? Explain.
- Setting of text/ Does the setting have an impression on you?
- Your opinion of a character.
- An article for a school article based on the text.
- Too much violence?
- Newspaper reporter reporting on an event in the text.
- Which character would you play?
- Agree/disagree with a statement?
- Diary entries from a character’s point of view.
- The effect of news on a character.
- “I think this play/novel would make a good movie because...”
- “It is a story about…”
- Is the play relevant to today? Issues/themes relevant to contemporary society?
Section 2.
-Difficult relationship.
-Significant change in a relationship.
-Complicated relationship.
-Describe a relationship.
-Successful/failed relationship.
-Relationship which had strong impression o you.
-What you learned about a theme.
-How a key moment reveals a theme.
-Did the theme make the text more interesting?
-Found the text helpful in understanding a theme.
Section 3.
- Explain title of poem in relation to theme of poem.
- Poet’s attitude.
- Words/phrases to convey images.
- Impression of poet.
- Last line, fav. Line/phrase.
- Your impression/ personal response.
- Theme of poem.
- Enjoy poem?
- Mood of poem.
- Diary entry.
- Alternative title.
- Poem- play/song.
- Assume persona of speaker in poem.
- Title of poem.
- Music to accompany reading of poem.
- Appealing descriptions/line/phrase/image.
- Does an illustration accompanying poem suit the poem?
- Happy/sad poem?
- Is it a personal poem?
- Poet’s message.
- Collection of poems to which a poem belongs.
- Learn about a world by studying a poem.
- Diary entry from a poet’s perspective.
- Words/ phrases which appeal to you or capture the poet’s feelings.
- Title.
- Descriptions which appeal to you.
- Like/dislike poem.
- Impression of characters in poem.
- Impression poem made on reader.
- Feelings.
- Sad/funny/humorous/serious/joyful/personal poem?
- Impression of poet.
- How you would capture atmosphere in video,(take into account lighting, music, location, etc,)
- Favourite stanza.
- Poem relevant to young people?/ include in a collection for young people?
- Language of poem.
- Is there a relationship conveyed in the poem?
- Can you relate to a theme in the poem?
- Does the picture accompanying the poem correspond to theme of the poem?
- Did you enjoy the poem?